
The Bold and the Beautiful: #3696

The Bold and the Beautiful (2001)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 184 - #3696


As Massimo sat in his office, wonders if Ridge had received his package. Massimo said he had talked to Stephanie, learned that Eric had not planned very well for his children's future, that Ridge would never be the head of Forrester Creations. Sally begged Massimo not to get involved in the Forrester family business, but Massimo feared he would have to look out for his son's welfare. Ridge opens the mysterious box, find it contain the world's largest pie pan with a tiny slice of apple pie in it. The attached note said "This is your slice of the Forrester pie. Don't settle for less than you deserve." That made Ridge think about the mysterious gift. Eric & Stephanie continue to argue about Ridge's share of the Forrester legacy. Stephanie asks Brooke what she thought of all the children inheriting equal stock. While Brooke felt that Ridge had indeed made a larger contribution to the company, she didn't think it was fair to give him more stock.


The Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the Beautiful


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