
Falcon Crest: Flesh and Blood

Falcon Crest (1986)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Harry Harris

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EPISODI: 20 - Flesh and Blood


Peter Stavros's children pay him a surprise visit at Falcon Crest, while Angela's success at healing the rift between Sofia and her father results in new wedding plans for Peter and Angela. Maggie's publicity tour for her book takes her to New York, where she meets an admiring press agent, Jeff Wainright, who takes her under his wing. Terry spies on Jordan and discovers her evening activities. When Terry interferes with Richard's detectives, who are trying to locate Cassandra, Richard becomes angry, but his wrath soon turns to seduction. Chase takes drastic measures to retrieve his wine. Melissa and Cole's custody battle with Robin takes a turn when Cole admits they have a weak marriage and are not fit to be parents.


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