
Dharma dhe Greg

DHARMA & GREG 5 (1997)

Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
STAR Life | 11.10.24 | 18:30




There could hardly be an odder match, but love knows no reason. Assistant D.A. Greg Montgomery, the son of successful businessman Edward Montgomery and Kitty, the queen of socialite snob-ism, falls madly in love with the utterly unconventional free spirit Dharma Finkelstein, the daughter of hippie couple Larry Finkelstein and Abby O'Neil. Even if they can't break the couple up, both in-law families-who never agree on anything else-stir up trouble as they are shocked by each other's lifestyle. Greg's lazy and incompetent colleague Pete Cavanaugh and Dharma's odd friend Jane, don't help their relationship either, between which another improbable hate-love chemistry develops.


Dharma dhe GregDharma i Greg 01Dharma i Greg 02Dharma i Greg 03Dharma i Greg 04Dharma i Greg 05Dharma i Greg 06Dharma i Greg 07Dharma i Greg 08Dharma i Greg 09Dharma i Greg 10Dharma i Greg 11Dharma i Greg 12Dharma i Greg 13Dharma i Greg 14


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