
Knight Rider: Knight Flight to Freedom

Knight Rider (1986)

Aksion, Krim, Dramë, Fantashkencë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Winrich Kolbe

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Vlerësimi: 7.1/10


EPISODI: 19 - Knight Flight to Freedom


Michael and RC arrive in San Duarte just in time to see Mount Duarte erupt for the first time since 1874. With the lava flow blocking the way in and out of the country, Colonel Perata stages a coup and holds American advisor Harrison and his wife hostage. Michael joins local news reporter and guerrilla leader Lisa Corrales in her fight to reinstate democratic President Sosa.


Knight RiderKnight RiderKnight RiderKnight RiderKnight RiderKnight RiderKnight RiderKnight RiderKnight Rider


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