
La petite histoire de France

La petite histoire de France (2014)

Komedi | Francë

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The series consists of humorous scenes taking place at different times in France. In 1810, Jean Plancher, his wife Renata and their son Baptiste ran an inn, « Chez Bonaparte », in Paris, Faubourg Saint-Honoré, France. Renata is Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's cousin. Jean complains that the Emperor no longer has any respect for them since he came to power. In 1695, Count Philippe Honoré de Roche Saint-Pierre, cousin of Louis XIV, was expelled from Versailles by the king for no reason. He lives with his wife Marie-Louise, their valet Frémont and all their servants and courtiers at the « Château de La Croûtinière », 250 kilometers (155,343 miles) from Versailles; they are deeply bored and do everything to try to return to the king's court. In 1430, François d'Arc was Jeanne d'Arc cousin. He lives in « Domrémy », Jeanne's native village, with his wife Ysabeau and Gaspard, a sheep farmer. François tried by all means to rescue his cousin, who was trapped by the Burgundians with an army.


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