
Crime Stories: The Perverted Preacher

Crime Stories (1998)

Dokumentar, Krim | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kanada

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EPISODI: 1 - The Perverted Preacher


Anthony Hopkins is a traveling preacher in Mobile, Alabama. Left with eight children to raise after his wife purportedly leaves him, he tells his congregation that she died giving birth. But it's not as it seems - Hopkins was forcing his stepdaughter to engage in sexual acts. When his wife finds out, he kills her and forces his stepdaughter to help him conceal the body. No one finds out until years later, when the girl becomes pregnant with his child and the harrowing story spills out.


Ska rishikime
  • Swamp Murders (2013)

    Cdo episod tregon vrasje dhe krime te kryera nga familje te respektuara dhe njerez te nderuar qe s' mendohej kurre se do te arrinin deri ne kete pike.

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