
Sara (2007)

Dramë | Belgjikë
Regjia: Serge Bierset

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Sara is a Flemish soap, on a modest budget, about the people connected to the fashion firm Présence, founded by Leon van Wyck and his late partner but artistically dependent on the gay designer Marnix Standaardt; since Leon retired, his son Simon, the commercial brain, took over as CEO but the other heir, financial director Alexander Delanoye -whose sister Helena is Simon's fiancée, a loveless alliance in his mind- schemes to seize the throne. Sara De Roose is a naive college graduate, who accepted to work under Simon below her qualifications because she is madly in love with him, and gets drawn into the dirty games he plays in business and, partially connected, in his complex and utterly unfaithful love-life, while she tries to help her even naiver father Hans, a nursery laborer. Other characters include Lieven Pauwels, the personnel chief, Britt, the secretary who can't stomach Sara becoming Simon's private assistant, cute runner Thomas and his mother Ellen who hid for him his father Patrick is alive, and his girlfriend Ann.


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