EPISODI: 16 - The Body


Buffy sees Joyce lying on the couch, calls 911 and unsuccessfully follows emergency procedures. When the paramedics arrive, they realize that Joyce is dead. Buffy calls Giles and goes to the school to tell Dawn. Along the day, the Scooby gang grieves the death of Joyce and sympathizes with Buffy.


Buffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire Slayer


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