
Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet

Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet (2014)

Regjia: Dean Bushala

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Making house calls in the far reaches of Northern Canada is a daunting task in the least, considering the houses may be separated by hundreds of miles. That challenge doesn't stop Dr. Michelle Oakley from performing her many duties as a veterinarian in one of the most rugged environments on Earth. In addition to running an animal clinic out of her home in Haines Junction, Yukon -- where she lives with husband Shane and their three daughters -- Dr. Oakley also operates a satellite clinic 150 miles away and is the on-call vet for the Yukon Wildlife Preserve, which is about 100 miles from Haines Junction. She also makes house calls, sometimes driving for long stretches through desolate wilderness to check on a patient. This series documents how Dr. Oakley juggles being a full-time vet, wife and mom, and does so with a sense of humor and devotion.


Dr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon Vet


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