
E.R.: A Hopeless Wound

ER (2002)

Dramë, Dokumentar, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Laura Innes

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EPISODI: 5 - A Hopeless Wound


On a busy Halloween night, Carter and Abby are the only staffers in costume when victims of an apartment building fire pack the ER. Corday takes on a new med student for a surgical rotation - Paul Nathan, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and decided to pursue medicine after being diagnosed. Despite a difficult first day, both professionally and medically, Nathan makes a difficult diagnosis. Romano's rehab lags behind his expectations, and he begins to doubt his role in surgery is no longer an option. In a moment of personal weakness, he tries to express his ...


E.R.Hitna služba 01Hitna služba 02Hitna služba 04Hitna služba 06Hitna služba 07Hitna služba 08Hitna služba 09Hitna služba 10Hitna služba 11Hitna služba 12


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