
De Regels van Floor

De Regels van Floor (2018)

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Floor is a ten-year old girl who finds it very helpful to make up fun rules for the crazy world around her. This series is based on Marjon Hoffman's highly successful books. Floor's rules give her the answers to the most important questions in the life of a ten-year old girl. Such as: How do you deal with an obnoxious brother? What do you do if you receive a disgusting jacket as a gift? What's the best plan if your best friend gets sick with impetigo and you want it too? And why is carp fishing such a guy thing? Floor has experienced all of these awkward situations and dilemmas and she's ready to share her knowledge with the world.


De Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van FloorDe Regels van Floor


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