
Intervention: Anthony

Intervention (2007)

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EPISODI: 4 - Anthony


Anthony is part of a large loving family that has experienced a lot of pain. His sister overdosed on heroin and died as a result. The shock of her death has left the whole family in pieces. Anthony had been casually smoking lighter drugs at the time, but then switched to cocaine to numb the pain. He is also heavily addicted to injecting methadone, an opioid substance like morphine and heroin. He switches between the two all day and night. His father allows him to work at one of his pizzerias but does not pay him much of the time for fear that he will use the money for drugs. When he does pay him, Anthony usually always goes against his father’s wishes. Anthony’s father is desperate for him to get help and hates to see his son hooked on hard drugs. Anthony’s mother is still recovering from her daughter’s death and the anguish over Anthony’s drug use has had severe mental and physical effects on her. Many other family members, including his other siblings, uncles, and cousins have agreed to participate in this intervention in hopes that Anthony will change his destructive and deadly ways


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