Bear in the Big Blue House: A Wagon of Different Color

Bear in the Big Blue House (1997)

Familjar, Komedi, Dramë, Fantazi, Muzikë, Animacion | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 11 - A Wagon of Different Color


After Bear finds coupons for the market, he decides to take everyone in the Big Blue House to the market. He runs into an unexpected delay when he finds out that Ojo has decided to repaint the wagon. Bear teaches her all about mixing paint to create different colors, Treelo admires all of his own colors in the mirror, and Bear plays fashion consultant when Tutter can't decide what color outfit would be best to wear to the market. Songs What's in the Mail Today? Some of the Colors I See Notes The events of this episode were loosely adapted as the book Bear Loves Colors! Tutter shows off his tendency to shout out names of cheeses as if they were epithets in this episode. He shouts out the names of no less than three different cheeses (cheddar chunks, brie and gorgonzola) when he gets upset over being unable to decide what to wear to the market.


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