Four in a Bed: Tall John's House

Four in a Bed (2017)

Reality show | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 14 - Tall John's House


The fourth and final visit is to Tall John's House in the Brecon Beacons, where Robin and Liza Watson own a grand Georgian mansion in the middle of the Welsh countryside. On arrival, the guests are wowed by the historic building and rooms. Raouf, Chrissie, Clarky and Katie dig deep to find fault but can only find small problems. In the afternoon, the Welsh weather finds the guests in the billiard room for a quick-fire knockout game around the table. Come dinner the guests gush over their friendship but, when it comes to the question of future meet-ups, Vicky drops a bombshell by revealing she wouldn't like to see anyone again. At breakfast the mood from the night before is clear to the table as Vicky sits in near silence. However, the food goes down a treat with compliments all round and a Caribbean pancake wins brownie points.



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