
Super Pseja: Momotaro The Peach Boy

Super Why! (2008)

Animacion, Aventurë, Familjar, Fantazi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kinë, Kanada

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EPISODI: 33 - Momotaro The Peach Boy


Pig and his brothers want to build a treehouse but they're so busy squabbling, they'll never get the job done. The Super Readers head into a Japanese Folktale and meet a little boy whose friends are arguing so loudly, it actually angers an ogre! Will they be able to show their new pals that arguing is the pits?

Educational Objectives: To learn about getting along and getting the job done. Young viewers will follow the alphabet, practice the magic of spelling and use the power to read to change the story!


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