
Moesha: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Moesha (1999)

Komedi, Dramë, Familjar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 11 - To Sleep, Perchance to Dream


Moesha dreams that Hakeem kisses her when he comes over for breakfast in the morning. Moesha's feelings for Hakeem are tested when she, Niecy and Hakeem decide to share a cabin on a ski trip sponsored by the university. An angst-ridden Moesha confides in Niecy about the dream. Niecy, who's suspected all along that the two are secretly in love, tells her that dreams reveal one's true feelings. That night, Moesha dreams that Hakeem joins her in bed. This time, Moesha is so disturbed about the dream that she tells Niecy that she wants to cancel going to the mountains. Niecy forces her to talk to Hakeem because they won't be able to afford the trip if she backs out. Hakeem takes Moesha's dream lightly. Later that evening, Hakeem dreams that he goes to Moesha's house and passionately kisses her.


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