Super Friends: The Iron Cyclops / Palette's Perils / Colossus

Super Friends (1981)

Animacion | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 5 - The Iron Cyclops / Palette's Perils / Colossus


The Iron Cyclops / Palette's Perils / Colossus" October 24, 1981

The Iron Cyclops: Superman finds a mysterious purple ray that is lifting objects in downtown Metropolis. Batman uses the Justice League computer from the Hall of Justice to try to control the beam while Black Vulcan and the Atom joins Superman in Metropolis. They find out that the Iron Cyclops who is projecting the ray lives on a planet which has no gravity and he wants to steal the Earth's.

Palette's Perils: Wonder Woman and El Dorado responds a series of art gallery robberies in Metropolis. Colossus: Colossus, a reckless and destructive cosmic barbarian many times larger than the Earth, turns his attention to Earth's solar system. Apache Chief charges into action using a shrink ray to reduce the Colossus to ordinary Earth mortal size; Colossus then plummets to Earth.


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