
Jimmy's Big Bee Rescue

Episodio 1 (2020)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Declan Healy

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Bees have been declared the most important species on Earth. They’re vital for pollinating the crops we rely on for food – but they are under serious threat. 46% of bee species have declined in the last ten years. Farmer Jimmy Doherty - who studied entomology as a graduate student - is on a mission to prove that we can all help reverse the decline. In a year-long project, Jimmy confronts the crisis and recruits farmers, council planners and residents of a typical city to join him in the battle to rescue Britain’s bees. Having organised a mass bee count across the area, Jimmy sets about transforming bee deserts into bee havens - but a year on, will his efforts have made a difference?


Jimmy's Big Bee RescueJimmy's Big Bee RescueJimmy's Big Bee Rescue


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