
The Kids in the Hall: #111

The Kids in the Hall (1990)

Komedi | Kanada

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EPISODI: 11 - #111


Night of the Living Dead, Can Never Go Home, Thirty Helens Coleslaw, Under Control, Gunslinger 1, Star-Crossed Lovers, Thirty Helens Hawaii, Barbershop


- Night Of The Living Dead: Silly parody of the movie.

- Can Never Go Home: Attila and his lover have a spat.

- Thirty Helens Agree #1: Coleslaw

- Under Control: Fire at A.T. & Love.

- Gunslinger #1: Once shot a man just to watch him die.

- Star Crossed Lovers: The lovers that were like Romeo and Juliet were.

- Thirty Helens Agree #2: ""Hawaii was better before.""

- Barbershop: Clem tells stories in the barber shop.


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