
We Own This City

WE OWN THIS CITY EP. 03 (2022)

Dramë, Krim | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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We Own the City is set in Baltimore 2015. Riots are erupting across the city as citizens demand justice for Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old Black man who has died under suspicious circumstances while in police custody. Drugs and violent crime are surging, and the city is reaching its highest murder count in more than two decades: 342 homicides in a single year, in a city of just 600,000 people. Facing pressure from the mayor's office-as well as a federal investigation of the department over Gray's death-Baltimore police commanders turn to a rank-and-file hero, Sergeant Wayne Jenkins, and his elite plainclothes unit, the Gun Trace Task Force, to help get guns and drugs off the street. However, behind these new efforts, a criminal conspiracy of unprecedented scale was unfolding within the police department. Entrusted with fixing the city's drug and gun crisis, Jenkins chose to exploit it instead.


We Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This CityWe Own This City


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