EPISODI: 1 - Jagd auf einen Toten


Inspector Stascha Novak is shocked when she discovers a familiar necklace on a cremated corpse. The head of the Split homicide squad believes her ex-fiancé Milan was the victim of a camouflaged murder. However, it soon becomes apparent that the dead person is someone else: Gore Memic from a notorious mafia clan in the capital Zagreb. Milan is now suspected of having faked his death in order to go into hiding. How close she is to the fleeting nightclub owner, Stascha conceals from her superior Kovacic as well as a violent argument with Memic the night before in Milan's club. She believed that in the bar guest she was seeing her younger sister Minka's rapist. Minka vehemently denies this and later even surprises with accusations against Milan. Was Stascha completely wrong about her great love? The commissioner now trusts her "ex" to do everything - from dirty business to violent crimes. In order to find him, she even incites the underworld boss Zlatan Memic on his neck, who wants to avenge his son. However, Stascha's plan to let the Mafia lead him to what he is looking for involves incalculable risks.


Split HomicideSplit HomicideSplit HomicideSplit HomicideSplit HomicideSplit HomicideSplit HomicideSplit HomicideSplit Homicide


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