
Dashuria eshte ne ajer

Sen Çal Kapımı (2020)

Komedi | Turqi




Eda, who pins all her hopes on her education, confronts Serkan Bolat, who has cut off her international scholarship, which leaves her with a high school diploma only. Serkan offers Eda to give her scholarship back on condition that she pretends to be his fiancée for two months. Although Eda initially rejects the offer out of hand, she sees herself compelled to accept it when conditions change overnight. While pretending to be engaged, Serkan and Eda embark on an insanely passionate yet challenging relationship that will make them forget all they know that is right. Love may be difficult, but that is why it is so amazing.


Dashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajerDashuria eshte ne ajer


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