Bernard Hill

Држава: United Kingdom

Пол: M

Роденден: 1944-12-17

Born in 1944, Bernard Hill is a British actor of film, stage and television. He is best known to British television viewers for playing Yosser Hughes in the groundbreaking 1982 TV series Boys from the Blackstuff. On film he has played Captain Edward John Smith in Titanic, King Théoden in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, and the Warden of San Quentin Prison in the Clint Eastwood film True Crime. Hill is the only actor to have appeared in more than one of the three films awarded 11 Oscars, and one of only three actors to have starred in more than one film grossing more than $1 billion USD, namely: Titanic and The Return of the King (the others being Orlando Bloom who also starred in The Return of the King, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean and Johnny Depp who also starred in Pirates of the Caribbean, as well as Alice in Wonderland). Hill has appeared in three films which have won Best Picture: Gandhi, Titanic, and The Return of the King.


  1. 1. Horizon (1964), серија
    Self - Narrator
  2. 2. Play for Today (1970), серија
    Bernard Blincoe
  3. ...
    Yosser Hughes
  4. ...
  5. 5. The Chain (1984), филм
  6. ...
    Will's Father
  7. ...
    Self - Audience Member
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. ...
  11. ...
    Dr. Livingstone
  12. ...
    Iggy / Iggy Smith
  13. ...
    Tam Ferrier
  14. ...
    Uncle Fred
  15. 15. The Big Game (1995), филм
    Mr. Harper
  16. 16. Madagascar Skin (1995), филм
  17. 17. The Gambling Man (1995), серија
    Frank Nickle
  18. ...
    The Engine Driver
  19. ...
    Dr. David Hawthorne
  20. 20. Титаник (1997), филм
    Captain Smith
  21. 21. Mlin na Flossi (1997), филм
    Edward Tulliver
  22. ...
  23. ...
  24. ...
    Warden Luther Plunkitt
  25. ...
  26. ...
  27. 28. Готика (2003), филм
    Phil Parsons
  28. ...
  29. ...
    John Joe
  30. 31. Wimbledon (2004), филм
    Edward Colt
  31. ...
    King William III
  32. 33. Joy Division (2006), филм
  33. ...
    Mr. Crown
  34. ...
    Confident General - Desert
  35. ...
    Peter Esser
  36. 37. Wild China (2008), серија
    Self - Narrator
  37. ...
    John Darwin
  38. 39. Falcón (2012), серија
    Ramón Salgado
  39. 40. Outpost 11 (2013), филм
  40. 41. Hope and Wire (2014), серија
    Len Russell
  41. 42. From There to Here (2014), серија
  42. 43. Wolf Hall (2015), филм
    Duke of Norfolk
  43. ...
    Duke of Norfolk
  44. ...
    Father Robert Greaves
  45. ...
    Self - Narrator
  46. ...
  47. ...
    Peter Esser
  48. ...
    Self - Narrator


  1. ...
  2. ...
    Self - Narrator
  3. ...
    Self - Narrator
  4. ...
    The Judge


  1. 1. Timewatch (1982), серија

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