
Nach dem Happy End

Nach dem Happy End (2022)

Dokumentar, Biografi | Gjermani

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Tobi goes to boarding school to learn about life after his heart transplant. He grows half a meter in two years, begins to play the drums, makes friends. At the age of 21 he dared to go to Sarajevo for a year, fell in love and was rejected, life stripped him of all facets. Over the years he has wanted to write a letter to his donor's family saying goodbye to his old heart and embracing the new life. But he never feels ready. At the age of 23, he suddenly ended up in a psychiatric ward. He realizes that he wants to go back to who he was before the transplant: a fighter who keeps defeating death, not one who fails in life. The documentary confronts the viewers with the question of what the things are that are worth living for and gives insights into a world that normally remains closed to them.


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