A cyclone is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs when you have to manage 3 children, a self-employed job, an ex-boyfriend and his new too-young girlfriend, daycare schedules, meals, school, lunches, the new employee - And in the eye of this Cyclone is Isabelle, 39 years old, a single mother who has the mental burden of all this in addition to having to put up with a sister who is better than she is at everything, a mother who reminds her that her sister is better than she is at everything, and a barren love life.


L'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cycloneL'oeil du cyclone


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