Four in a Bed: From The Golf House to The B and B

Four in a Bed (2014)

Reality show | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 6 - From The Golf House to The B and B


The competition tees off at the Golf House on the Isle of Wight, owned by John and Sue Blakemore.

Next it's Nick and Layla's turn to host at The New Inn in St. John's Wood in London. Most guests are impressed, but John and Sue are left cold by their 'corporate and impersonal' room.

The third visit is to the Bunkroom hostel in Chester where David Sharrock is determined to prove hostelling is for everybody, even if his wife Victoria isn't convinced.

The last visit of the week is to The B and B Blackpool, where owner John is a B&B rookie.



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