Numri i episodave: 7


When strange anomalies in time start to appear all over England, Professor Cutter and his team have to help track down and capture all sorts of dangerous prehistoric creatures from Earth's distant past.

  • Lost (2004)

    After a mysterious and bloody airplane crash, 48 survivors are left stranded on a Pacific Island... miles off course. It soon becomes apparent that they will not...
  • Killing Eve (2018)

    Nominuar për Globin e Artë si seriali më i mirë dramatik. Sandra Oh, fituese e Globit të Artë. Kur një agjente i vihet pas një vrasëseje të talentuar dhe...
  • Babylon 5 (1993)

    In the year 2258, it is ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. Commander Sinclair takes command of a giant five-mile-long cylindrical space station, orbiting a...
  • Jack Ryan (2018)

    Up-and-coming CIA analyst, Jack Ryan, is thrust into a dangerous field assignment after he uncovers a pattern in terrorist communication that launches him into...

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