• La Derniere Vague (2019)

    In Brizan, a quiet seaside resort in the french Landes, everything changes with the arrival of the first wave which, like a tsunami, will cause the disappearance...
  • Lost (2004)

    After a mysterious and bloody airplane crash, 48 survivors are left stranded on a Pacific Island... miles off course. It soon becomes apparent that they will not...
  • Reign (2013)

    Chronicles the rise to power of Mary Queen of Scots (Kane) when she arrives in France as a 15-year-old, betrothed to Prince Francis, and with her three best...
  • Dr. House (2004)

    Dr. Gregori Hauz, një mjek rebel sjellja e të cilit shkon në kufijte e shoqërores, sfidohet nga të panjohurat mjekesore përpara të cilave mjeket e tjere dorezohen.

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