
Not All About the Money

Nije sve u lovi (2013)

Thriller | Kroaci
Regjia: Dario Pleić

Ku ta shikojmë
Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion
Vlerësimi: 5.7/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 7.3/10
(6 Voto)


A young couple, Robi and Ines have a 7-day deadline to pay off Robi's debt to the loan shark, or they will both be killed. When they meet a well-off banker, Marko, who could save them by lending them money, Ines and Marko become close. The crazy race against time results in a love triangle of bizarre emotions, lies and passion.


Not All About the MoneyNot All About the MoneyNot All About the Money


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