
The Pom Pom Murders

Ruthless Renegade (2020)

Thriller | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Tom Shell

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Aubrey Anderson, a 21-year-old former cheerleader, tries out for the LA Renegades. She falls in love with player, Walter. Bailey -- a "Renegade Girl" and Walter's ex-girlfriend -- is found murdered, and police arrest Walter. Police incriminate Walter, Aubrey believes his innocence. Aubrey sets out to find the killer, investigating several suspects: the creepy janitor, the bitter coach, the jealous, competitive cheerleader.


The Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom MurdersThe Pom Pom Murders


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