
Breakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the World: The Robot

Breakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the World (2019)

Dokumentar, Histori | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 3 - The Robot


Robots are everywhere. They build cars, electronics and consumer goods. They conduct medical procedures, defuse bombs and explore other worlds. They've revolutionized the modern world and they're about to revolutionize our homes. So how did we get here?


Breakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the WorldBreakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the World


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