
Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet? (2010)

Komedi, Dokumentar, Reality show | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Comedy Central Extra UK | e enjte, 12 dhjetor 2019 | 10:30




Suzanne is upset when Marilyn gives her an ugly bracelet as a present, but things get even uglier when Nick sees it and realizes he bought it for Marilyn and that she's re-gifted.


Rishikuar nga Nativeamerican01
e shtunë, 26 mars 2022 1:08 e paradites
I am Native American and I really do not care to much how this episode was a bit rasist to us natives im not sure just why though what did we do to them? This is very questionable on why ice cube would direct such crap ? because i don’t think black people like being made fun of about there big lips or dark skin or back in the day slavery or kinky hair so why the hell was the singling out the natives and the dream catcher and keep makeing the mom in this episode do the most rasist native white... (më shumë)
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