EPISODI: 4 - Epic Fails


A man on an elephant underestimates a Bengal tiger's reach. A jeep-load of safari goers find out that giraffes are not always gentle giants. A deer buck takes a wrong step and is swallowed by a sinkhole. These unbelievable blunders of the animal world are almost too hard to believe. From fearsome surprise attacks and bone-crushing collisions, to animals pushed too far and predators in too deep. They're the animal world's most treacherous mistakes on Animals Gone Wild 2: Epic Fails.

Narratori: Josh Goodman


Animals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone WildAnimals Gone Wild


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