

Hipsters (2015)

Dokumentar | Australi
Regjia: Seth Larney

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Tokyo Retro Fomo - Keen to further explore the hipsters’ love of things of the past, Sam travels to Tokyo. Sam meets some key players in Tokyo’s vintage underground and discovers that in Japan, hipness is not about borrowing the best bits of past subcultures - it’s defined by all-out commitment to your chosen style. Sam returns to LA to meet music writer Simon Reynolds, who literally wrote the book on retro. This leads Sam to investigate hipster music. Sam meets LCD Soundsystem’s Nancy Whang and young Australian bluesman Steve Smyth and asks them if - musically speaking - there is nothing new under the sun. Then Sam has an epiphany: if hipsters don’t like the future, how does the hashtag fit in? Sam heads to London and finds out why many hipsters are now checking in to digital detox camps: no smartphones allowed.


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