
Wild West: America's Great Frontier: Desert Heartlands

Wild West: America's Great Frontier (2016)

Dokumentar, Kafshë, Natyrë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 1 - Desert Heartlands


This legendary land of red rocks and vast canyons, outlaws and gunslingers, is a brutally tough place to live. But nature has found some extraordinary ways to win through, forging a pioneering spirit found nowhere else on Earth. Discover the amazing ways that mustangs and coyotes, Hopi farmers and even desert tortoises have found to survive in this extremely testing land.


BBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great FrontierWild West: America's Great Frontier


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