
Grand Designs Australia

Grand Designs Australia (2010)

Stil jetese | Australi
Regjia: James Short

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Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 2/10




Peter Maddison follows a couple with contrasting visions as they build a new home in the Melbourne suburbs, and try to find a compromise over their design. Darren wants a home cinema and wine cellar, whereas Ruth's tastes are more simplistic - she has her sights set on a garden and a chicken coop. After finally finding a plot of land, the couple struggle to bring their dream to life as all the supplies need to be brought in via a narrow alleyway, and costs begin to mount.


Grand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs AustraliaGrand Designs Australia


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