
Are You Being Served?: German Week

Are You Being Served? (1972)

Komedi | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: David Croft

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Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 7/10


EPISODI: 6 - German Week


The store holds a special week promoting German goods, and Captain Peacock boosts his authority by donning lederhosen. However, an influx of Teutonic tourists puts paid to the staff's hopes of a sales boom. Shop-floor comedy, guest starring Joanna Lumley, with Trevor Bannister and John Inman.


Are You Being Served?Are You Being Served?Are You Being Served?Are You Being Served?Are You Being Served?


Rishikuar nga hymie
e enjte, 1 korrik 2021 12:15 e pasdites
Young Mr. Grace decides to have a "German Week" where the department will sell only German goods. However, after two days they discover they have only made 64 pence, so Mr. Rumbold and the floor staff decide to give the department a more German feel by dressing up for a folk dance and serving German wine.

The funny thing was that they got an English band to play German music and that any German customers were dismayed when they couldn't buy English clothes. Good episode.
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