
Juzni vetar: Na granici

Južni vetar 2: Na granici (2023)

Krim | Serbi, Rusi

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In the center of the plot is the story of the Belgrade drug lord Petar Maras and his conflict with the powerful state curator of the Serbian criminal world, nicknamed Red. The enmity begins over a piece of land in the Serbian hinterland, which is of strategic international importance: it is here that the gas pipeline route should pass, around the construction of which American and Russian special services clashed. Fleeing from the mercenaries, Maras finds himself in Russia, where he encounters the secret service agent Larisa and unwittingly becomes involved in the death of her brother. Now Petar Maras will become the object of hunting for Serbian, American and Russian special agents, as well as mafia clans throughout South-Eastern Europe.


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