
Tamron Hall: Tamron’s Spring Refresh

Tamron Hall (2024)

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EPISODI: 119 - Tamron’s Spring Refresh


Tamron’s Spring Refresh 2: DEDRIC and KRYSTAL POLITE, from A&E’s “50/50 Flip,” join the Tam Fam on how you can incorporate affordable luxury in your next renovation project. Interior stylist KIVA BRENT shares tips and tricks to incorporate spring’s hottest decor trends. Creator of “Do It On a Dime,” KATHRYN SNEARLY, shows you how to take your linen closet and kitchen from cluttered chaos to organized bliss. Plus, she has more than 1,000 plants in her New York apartment, creator of the YouTube channel “Plant One On Me,” SUMMER RAYNE OAKES, shares plant knowledge with the Tam Fam!


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