
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (2022)

Dramë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
SUPER RTL | e diel | 21:10


This show delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit, investigate and prosecute various sexually oriented crimes, while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives.


Foto: RTL / NBC UniversalLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitFoto: RTLFoto: RTL / NBC UniversalFoto: RTL / NBC UniversalFoto: RTLFoto: RTLFoto: RTL /NBC UniversalFoto: RTL /NBC Universal


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