
Mr. Magoo

Mr. Magoo (2021)

Regjia: Hugo Gittard

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Mr. Magoo is a dynamic senior citizen who takes full advantage of being retired. He is overwhelmingly curious, has a sharp mind and is...almost as blind as a bat! Tied in with unshakable self-confidence, his "ocular deficiency" means that Magoo is never really where he thinks he is, he is never really doing what he thinks he is doing (with varying nuances we shall see later). Accompanied by his faithful Mr. Cat, who is a dog he thinks is a cat, Magoo is never, ever bored. He goes to the museum, has romantic rendezvous, goes golfing, go-carting... or relaxes in his garden during his ritual Sunday barbecue with Weasel, his delightful neighbor. "Delightful"... in appearance only! Because lo!, Weasel is very good at hiding his game. Underneath his poker-face of ideal camaraderie and neighborly bonhomie hides the henchman of the worst super-villain the world has ever known: Fizz, his pet hamster, graced with an intelligence as rare and refined as it is evil to the bone.


Mr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. MagooMr. Magoo


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