
Robin of Sherwood: Seven Poor Knights From Acre

Robin of Sherwood (1984)

Aksion, Dramë, Fantazi, Fantashkencë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Ian Sharp

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EPISODI: 4 - Seven Poor Knights From Acre


The arrival in Sherwood of seven Templars, heading back to their church in Lincoln, and their gold crested banner is too much for a cutpurse to ignore. He steals the banner and runs into Robin and his men as he escapes. The Templars think that they are all together and after a brief altercation the Templars leave, with Much as a hostage. Now Robin and his men have to deal with seven of the most feared fighting men known to man, to rescue much from their grasp.


Robin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of Sherwood


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