School Rumble: Confusing Test! Inescapable Toilet! Impossible Physical Examination!

スクールランブル (2004)

Regjia: Jin Kobayashi

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EPISODI: 2 - Confusing Test! Inescapable Toilet! Impossible Physical Examination!


Confusing Test!: Tenma and Harima are taking an English test, but Tenma forgets to write her name on her paper. If someone doesn't write their name on a test paper, then that person will automatically recieve a failing grade for that test. So, Harima tries to subliminally tell Tenma to write her name before the test is over. Inescapable Toilet!: After using the girl's bathroom, Tenma goes to leave, but she finds Karasuma standing in front of the door. Afraid of being seen coming out of the washroom by Karasuma, Tenma uses bathroom tools to help her escape from the little girl's room undetected.


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