
Super Pseja: The Story Of Mother Goose

Super Why! (2011)

Animacion, Aventurë, Familjar, Fantazi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kinë, Kanada

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EPISODI: 65 - The Story Of Mother Goose


Red is writing a new song but gets stuck because she simply can't think of the right word! To help her out, Super Why and his friends meet rhyming royalty - Mother Goose – just as she's starting to pen her legendary poems. Does Mother Goose pick her words at random, or is there a rhyme and reason to the way she composes her stories?

Educational Objectives: To learn about word families. Kids will sing the alphabet and identify the letters G and O, practice the magic of spelling, and use the power to read to change the story.


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