In some parts of southern Italy weddings are the biggest event of a lifetime. Brand new series, ‘Il Boss Delle Cerimonie', gains an inside look at a range of the big, rich and tacky Neapolitans weddings that take place at the Grand Hotel La Sonrisa, which is owned by the flamboyant Don Antonio Polese. Each episode follows all the main steps for a real Neapolitan banquet: the choice of the wedding dress, the serenade, the decoration of the parents' building before the bride leaves for good, and the all day long party set in the best tacky and baroque palace near Napoli.


The Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the CeremoniesThe Boss of the Ceremonies


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