
Jamie's American Road Trip

Jamie's American Road Trip (2009)

Dokumentar, Gatim, Stil jetese | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Lana Salah

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Jamie Oliver is on the culinary journey of a lifetime as he heads off the beaten track to discover the real heart of America, through its people, culture, music and - most importantly - its food. In the first programme, he's in Los Angeles. The city is synonymous with glitz and glamour, but Jamie experiences a very different version of the American Dream a few miles east of the Hollywood sign.


Foto: RTL / © Jamie Oliver Enterprises LimitedFoto: RTL / © Jamie Oliver Enterprises LimitedFoto: RTL / © Jamie Oliver Enterprises LimitedJamie's American Road TripJamie's American Road TripJamie's American Road Trip


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