
Kjo është histori

History 101 (2020)

Dokumentar, Histori | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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History 101 is a new type of history show for a new type of audience: Big History delivered in an unadulterated hit of premium archive and jaw-dropping infographics. This landmark series tackles the biggest developments of the past 100 years and breaks them down into a fast-paced, easy-to-understand 20 minutes, that helps answer the big questions: Why is the world the way it is and how did we get here? The ten episodes span a wide range of topics ripped-from-the-headlines, covering scientific breakthroughs, social movements, and world-changing discoveries: the Space Race, Plastics, Oil in the Middle East, the AIDS epidemic, Nuclear Power, Robots, Genetics, the Rise of China, Fast Food, and Feminism. Unpacking not just what happened but why, and how this created the world we live in today.


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