
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Paris, October 1916

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1993)

Aksion, Aventurë, Familjar, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 16 - Paris, October 1916


While flipping through a gossip magazine at the supermarket, 93 year old Indiana Jones recounts his love affair with Mata Hari while visiting Paris on leave from the front in 1916. Unaware of Mata's involvement as a spy, 16 year old Indy became jealous when seeing her with other men, even though he admitted at the time that his feelings for Mata were not as strong as they had been for Vicky Prentiss in London five months earlier.


The Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones Chronicles


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