Eylül is a 16 year old girl sexually harassed by her stepfather, yet her mother did not believe her and she took Eylül to the orphanage, and left her daughter there. Then Eylül become friends with the girls in the orphanage and each girl have their own story. The girls tried to divorce Eylül's mother and her husband many times. Feride is an assistant in the orphanage who is always helping the girls when they need her.

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Klan Kosova  

Episodi vijues:

e enjte
Lulet e Braktisura
e premte
Lulet e Braktisura
e premte
Lulet e Braktisura
e shtunë
Lulet e Braktisura
e hënë
Lulet e Braktisura

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