FILMA Faqja 68

  • Martesë Italiane

    e shtunë



    Martesë Italiane

    Matrimonio all'italiana (1964)

    Biznesmeni Domeniko njihet me prostitutën 17 vjeçare, Filomenën. Pas dy vitesh ata takohen përsëri dhe vazhdojnë një lidhje 22 vjeçare, gjatë së cilës Filomena lind tre djem, njëri nga të cilët është i Domenikos,...

  • Food Giganten - Im Bauch der Republik

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    Food Giganten - Im Bauch der Republik

    Food Giganten - Im Bauch der Republik (2020)

  • Asteriksi në Britani

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    Asteriksi në Britani

    Astérix chez les Bretons (1986)

    Pas pushtimit të Galise, Jul Çezari e kthen vemendjen e tij nga Britania. Britania pushtohet shumë shpejt nga romaket, me përjashtim të një fshati të vogel që i kerkon ndihme Asteriksit.

  • The Bigamist

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    The Bigamist

    Il bigamo (1956)

    A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.

  • Das große Backen - Milliardengeschäft mit Brot und Gebäck

    e shtunë



    Das große Backen - Milliardengeschäft mit Brot und Gebäck

    Das große Backen - Milliardengeschäft mit Brot und Gebäck (2019)

  • Star Trek: Kryengritja

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    Star Trek: Kryengritja

    Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

    Kur ekuipazhi i Enterpraisi mëson për një komplot të Federatës kundër banorëve të një planeti unik, kapiteni Pikard nis një rebelim të hapur

  • Hightech und Handarbeit - Der Bau eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes

    e shtunë



    Hightech und Handarbeit - Der Bau eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes

    Hightech und Handarbeit - Der Bau eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes (2019)

    The world's first natural gas cruise ship is being built at Meyer Werft in Lower Saxony: the AIDAnova. At 337 meters there is space for up to 6,600 passengers, a television studio and even a theatre. But the...

  • Life at 50 degrees Celsius

    e shtunë



    Life at 50 degrees Celsius

    Life at 50 degrees Celsius (2021)

    Life at 50 degrees C explores one of the most deadly results of the climate crisis: extreme heat.

  • Le Notti Bianche

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    Le Notti Bianche

    Le notti bianche (1957)

    A lonely city transplant and a sheltered girl, haunted by a lover’s promise, meet by chance on a canal bridge and begin a tentative romance that quickly entangles them in a web of longing and self-delusion.

  • Hightech und Handarbeit - Der Bau eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes

    e shtunë



    Hightech und Handarbeit - Der Bau eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes

    Hightech und Handarbeit - Der Bau eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes (2019)

    The world's first natural gas cruise ship is being built at Meyer Werft in Lower Saxony: the AIDAnova. At 337 meters there is space for up to 6,600 passengers, a television studio and even a theatre. But the...

  • The Wrong House Sitter

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    The Wrong House Sitter

    The Wrong Housesitter (2020)

    Successful editor Deb sends Dan on an out-of-town assignment just as he moves into his dream house. When he meets Kristin, his problem is solved because she seems like the perfect housesitter. But his problems are...

  • Die stillen Mörder

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    Die stillen Mörder


  • Përtej kufijve

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    Përtej kufijve

    Beyond Borders (2003)

    Angelina Jolie, Clive Owen. Sara, një grua e re që bën jetë mondane në Londër. Rastësisht njihet me Nikun, doktorin që ndihmon të varfërit e prekur nga lufta. Sara rrezikon gjithçka, edhe martesën për hir të ndjenjës...

Emri « 1 2 3 ... 66 67 68 69 70 » Mbiemri

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